Our Programs

Driven by an obligation to do something new and better, our programs are set up to provide inclusive and total body medicine, dental, and mental healthcare.

Clínica Médicos

Caring for the Entire Body

Clínica Médicos’ services range from chronic management of diabetes and hypertension, in-office minor surgery, x-ray and ultrasound for acute injuries. Other services include skin surgeries, upper endoscopy, point of care laboratory, vaccines, preventive and public health services, and women’s health regardless of insurance status or age.

Visit the Clínica Médicos website to learn more.


Mental Health

By expanding its behavioral health and counseling offerings, the bilingual mental health team of Reneuvo can address the unique and sometimes traumatic emotional and mental health burdens on Chattanooga’s underserved community. Our goal is to destigmatize these services through primary care inside the same facility. These services will occur regardless of a patient’s ability to pay, documentation, or age. Although there are affordable, transparent fees associated with each service, financial assistance will be available.

Clínica Sonrisas

Dental Health

Oral health is intimately tied to the overall health of the individual. We have more than 4,000 registered patients between the ages of eight and 20 years old who desperately need pediatric dentistry in addition to corrective orthodontics. We believe that dentistry for our patients must reflect our open access model based on affordability and logistical ease in a bilingual format.

Support Médicos Mission Fund

Clínica Médicos has registered over 45,000 patients since its founding, more than half of whom are working but uninsured. Clínica Médicos distinguished itself through the COVID-19 pandemic as an invaluable partner to the City of Chattanooga and the Hamilton County Health Partner, providing testing, vaccines, and evidence-based antibody therapies. Many families in our community had nowhere else to go and faced challenges accessing testing and treatment based on language, payment confusion, and comfort. Clinica Medicos repeatedly was the answer.