
“I first came to Clínica Médicos several years ago when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have insurance and I didn’t know where to go. The doctors there didn’t judge me. They just took great care of me during my pregnancy and helped me with temporary insurance to cover hospital costs. Luckily, I had a healthy pregnancy and the doctors from Clínica Médicos delivered my daughter. She’s now two years old and doing great. I now bring all of my kids to Clínica Médicos and I receive my birth control there. We can all go together. They continue to help my family and I in a number of ways. Last month, for example, I was really sick with a fever and chills. I don’t have insurance, so I am so thankful that I was able to go to the clinic instead of the emergency room. Clínica Médicos doctors took my blood, did an ultrasound, and gave me antibiotics right there to treat my infection. I know and trust the physicians there and because of them, I was able to get the help I needed on the day I needed it.”


Clinic Staff

